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Develop children
together with us!

The development of a child is in itself a laborious and complex process, and the personal growth of a pupil with the improvement of his age-old peculiarities needs the maximum delicacy of the bajan results at the same time. 

At Smart J Children's Centers, we create a special place that promotes the all-round development of children. We adhere to the use of only certified equipment that guarantees safety, as well as highly effective teaching aids and teaching materials. Smart J Children's Centers guarantee an environment of the highest quality standards, which is what caring parents especially want for their children.

Smart J is the unique developing environment for preschool children and pupils of 1-8 grades

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Welcome to Smart J, dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, and all those who care about the full, harmonious development and happy childhood of our beloved children! Childhood for a child is not only a period of joy and carelessness, it is precisely the most important period of his life, in which a worldview is formed, respect, culture and moral principles are instilled, socialization takes place, character is formed, knowledge is laid down and as a result, his personality and qualities are formed which, integrity and multifacetedness - directly depends on us! And, understanding the huge responsibility before your family and the importance of this period for a child, whose development should not only be at a high level and effective, but also fascinating and interesting among his peers, taking into account the individual and psychological age-specific features of development, Smart J in its activities is based on high professionalism, a creative approach to working with children, benevolence and innovation. The use of modern technologies, including project activities, contributes to the emotional well-being of the child, the development of independence, cognitive activity, and self-expression through art. We are convinced that constant and unrelenting care for the child's comfort and well-being, his harmonious development will definitely bring the expected result - the disclosure of individuality and creative abilities. Always happy to see you in person! See you at Smart J»


Director, Yana Klymova


How We Work

  • Children come to classes after kindergarten or school, where they get additional education in various subjects.

  • Schoolchildren diligently do their homeworks under the supervision of mentors.

  • A selective attend to individual project subjects is possible (IT, natural sciences, English, etc.).

  • At the end of the day, parents take home a happy child and devote time only to the joy of communication together.

  • Depending on the city in which the branch of the project is located, a ride from the school or kindergarten to the place of classes can be organized.

  • Also, depending on the city and branch, meals, play activities and walks are organized for children.

Our values

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Efficiency

  • Openness

  • Innovation

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